What's Your Digital Footprint Like? | SEO Service | Digital Freak

What’s your digital footprint like?

What’s your digital footprint like

Whether you’re a big or small business, or even an individual, your digital footprint is an important concept to be considering in 2018. You’ve likely heard the term thrown around before, but what does it mean? A digital footprint is the trail you leave behind on the net. As the saying goes, the internet is permanent, so honing your digital footprint can be an important part of your marketing and sales strategy.

Your brand
First of all, you should have a clear idea of your brand and audience. Whether it’s slick and modern, or retro and reliable, make sure your brand outline is clear from day one. This means style, theme, site layout, tagline, campaign strategies, and everything right down to the colour scheme. For inspiration, check out what your competitors are doing. It’s also a good idea to make sure your name and brand aren’t too similar to other businesses either. It should blend with what service you provide, and the name and site should be easy to remember and Googleable.

Your website
One of the main sources of your digital footprint is your website, and no matter how small your business, you definitely need one. Even if it’s just a single page with contact information and a small ‘about us’, having a place on the internet where people can get the answers to their questions and reach out to you can increase your connections and sales significantly. It’s a digital world, after all.

Keep your site relevant, up-to-date, and interesting, then make sure you do so. At least one member of staff should be responsible for keeping all the details up to date, like contact information, past clients and partners, opening hours, and making sure all the links are in working order. An outdated site speaks volumes about its business.

Content is still king in 2018, so if you have a blog on your site, add to it frequently, with interesting posts that are short and to-the-point, and something people want to read. Keep up the SEO in your blog posts to improve your Google rankings, which are all part and parcel of your digital footprint, and consider reposting your content on other sites, which can further your client reach.

Social media
You have many places to choose in the world of social media: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn and more. What you share on social media platforms is integral to keeping your business relevant. To stay interesting, share images and videos, which are more likely to garner attention. To be helpful, actively share, like, repost, comment, and interact with other users with useful information to earn yourself a good reputation and positive digital footprint. Steer clear of arguments or controversial topics – the internet is forever, remember!

If all of this seems like a huge extra load of work, hire tools like Buffer or Klout to help you keep track and make sense of it all. These tools go the extra mile to find out what is most engaging, and at what time of day and what day of the week, and post it for you.

Google is your friend
It’s true, so use it often. Google yourself and other similar businesses so you can see where you rank, what comes up first, and what impression you get when you Google yourself. Explore and experiment to see what kinds of phrases people are most likely to search for, which you can then implement in your SEO strategies. Don’t forget about voice searches too – the new trend that is set to be hugely influential in SEO.

Are you featured on any list sites like AngelList or Foursquare? Make sure these are regularly checked to keep all your facts correct. Having an old phone number in the phonebook can cost you business, and the exact same is true for online sources. Attention to detail in the digital world can pay off in the real one.

[button_cta link=”https://digitalfreak.com.au/#footprint”]Discover your Digital Footprint here – for FREE![/button_cta]

Melody Sinclair-Brooks

Written by

Nick Viol – Sales Specialist

Sure, I’m a sales specialist – but we do things a little differently around here! For one thing, I’m not here to sell anything - I’m here to solve problems. By getting to know your business, you’ll get proven digital marketing solutions that bring in sales, leads, and results. It’s all about putting you ahead of the competition. Are you ready to be in first place?

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